Our roof and guitter leak stopper is specially designed to form an elastic and waterproof coating on your roofs and gutters. With a very high resistance to water, frost and snow, this liquid waterproofing resin offers effective and lasting protection to your old or new constructions. Threshold temperatures: -20°C and +80°C.
Application temperature: +5°C to +35°C.
Yield (3 coats maximum): 1.2 liters per m2.
Drying time: 4 hours between each layer.
Maximum qualities reached in 24 hours.
Monocomponent product based on modified polyurethane resins.
High resistance to bad weather: rain, frost, snow.
Resistance to crazing and cracking.
Suitable for all types of materials.
Forms a continuous, watertight membrane, without seams or joints.
Very easy and fast application.
• Roofs, sloping roof terraces, not trafficable or with very occasional traffic.
• Gutter, eavesdrip, drip edge.
• Eligible materials: all porous or cracked materials (concrete, tile, migeon tile, fiber cement, zinc, galvanized steel, sheet metal, calandrite, slate, shingle, wood, plastic, aluminum, polyester...). Not suitable for surfaces already painted or covered with resin.
• Remove old paints or resins beforehand by brushing, scraping or washing, to obtain a healthy support with good cohesion. Disinfect materials covered with micro-organisms (algae, mould, green deposits, etc...).
• The surface must also be very dry and clean before application, all traces of dirt and dust must be removed.
• Apply with a long-haired roller, a brush, a plastic roller or using an airless spray gun.
• Application in three superimposed layers:
◦ Primer coat : dilute with water (10% to 40% depending on the porosity and absorption of the support) and leave to dry for 2 to 4 hours.
◦ Two sheer coats : apply 4-6 hours apart.
• Low temperatures can slow the drying time while high temperatures can speed it up considerably, which can change the appearance of the finish.
• Do not apply in times of high humidity (rain or fog) to avoid the risk of washing out.